Minggu lepas,kami telah pun ke Fraser Hill...lagi..
But this time, with Adam & cousins.
The last time we came here is about a year ago.
mase tu kiter pregnant 7 bulan.
Sekarang ni, kite g Fraser with Adam yang dah pun mencecah usia 10 bulan.
This is an adhoc plan.
nak teman adik kite buat thesis die.
kami just plan buat day trip.
Bilik semua penuh kat Fraser.
Tapi, nasib menyebelahi kami,
bila ada 2 bilik kosong kat Bungalow TM.
Ape lagi...
kite pun terus check in!
Sunset view from our balcony. |
Ayah Dengki |
Bye-bye Fraser Hill
Singgah bermandi manda di Air terjun Kampung Pertak
Empangan Kuala Kubu
Last but not least.....from ayah Adam.....
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