Wednesday, February 9, 2011

milk intolerent?

I am not sure whether in my case i'm in the category of milk intolerent or not. But for sure when it comes to drink milk or especially fresh milk,my face will turn into fiona / shrek complexion, vomit out immediately whenever any drop of milk flow inside my trachea. But the weird thing is i can drink milk when eat with cereal especially cococrunch or honey star! it works!

Just now, i force my self to drink Anmum chocolate milk (since i'm "milk in-tolerent")instead of fresh milk. Just before i prepare the "drink", i vomit out hysterically~ my god..... After a few minutes, when vomitting session has done, without any delay i drink hot-chocolate-milk in 1 shot. Phew~

Ape ke susah sangat nak minum susu! Isk..isk...isk...... =(

chocolate milk materna
* taste actually like chocolate ice cream

nearly 4 months onward
*Nearly 4 months.

*Last but not least .... our aquaRia!


Madam Amie said...

Hehehe biasa la tuh lyd.... kita nih pulak malasss nk minum susu... klau nk minum mesti ltk dlm peti ais dulu.... ehhh apesal comment kita dlm previous entry x kuar ek....iskkk iskkkk

lydia said...

eh yer ker?? entah ler..
semalam muntah teruk gila..hahaha...
tapi berjaya jugak habiskan segelas susu coklat jer =p...

Aidah said...

rajin2 minum susu yer.. jangan pakai seluar jeans lagi, pakai maternity nyer pants.. elakkan bergomol dengan kucing..
jaga diri elok2, jaga kesihatan.. =)