Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 30: Three Awesome things happened a month ago.

The past 30 days...........

1. Started from 1st June 2011, Kite start di employed oleh sebuah syarikat XXX. Which is,kite sendiri tak sangka akan dapat offer kerja dalam keadaan sarat ! Can you all imagine.... Masa interview, sah-sah perut dah membulat. time tu dah 7 months 2 weeks. And mase interview, siap cakap kat interviewer, "it's ok if i didn't get this job cause i know my physical condition. At least, dapat masuk dalam waiting list, it is more than enough" That exactly what i said to both interviewer. Ada 3 orang yang interview. Accent mat Salleh US tapi semua melayu. Masa di interview tu memang pasrah and saja nak cuba nasib walaupun tau harapannya amat nipis.
Out of 400 candidate yang apply post tu, just 2 candidate je yang die pilih untuk di interview. Phew~
Masa dapat call dari company tu 2 weeks later, informed that i've been selected for the X position at that company, I am SPEECHLESS. Dalam hati cakap "Boleh ke aku buat ni.. They give me task and has to be settled before my due." . Tapi, atas nasihat parents dan Suami tercinta, i grabbed the offer... Alhamdulillah, i am comfortable with this job. Syukur. Walaupun Maternity unpaid leave, at least... dapat settlekan duit kereta untuk bulan july...huhuhuhu.... Masa ni, ramai cakap especially my other half, my parents & my best friend... "REZEKI anak..." and kite just cakap, syukur alhamdulillah. Allah yang Maha Mengetahui aturanNya... Kita hanya perlu berUsaha, Doa & Tawakal. This is really... really miracle... (^_^). Wish me luck ! Harap dapat settlekan kerja sebelum terberanak =p.


P/s : My deary baby, please stay inside for a while... next week bonda ada training ya...

2. AKhir bulan Mei, Kite baru dapat tau gender baby! We are Sooooooo Happy.... Bukan pe.. Bila berteka-teki nih, rasa macam tak puas plak tak tau gender baby... Tapi bila dapat tau.. baru lega... (^_^). Banyak masa untuk setting nama baby.

3. Beberapa minggu lepas, dapat merasa pegang duit sendiri. Dah lama rasanya tak pegang duit sendiri. But tak banyak pun. Buat settlekan duit kereta and servis je , dah tinggal paras2 hidung dah. But i am satiesfied! At least, dapat kurangkan beban Encik suami... (^_^).


Madam Amie said...

Alhamdulillah,dah keje rupenyee... :))

lydia said...

Alhamdulillah Amlya =)
sangat2 tak sangka masih ada yg menerima...

Lyana Mansor said...

memang boy...! tgk tu masih ade body shape walaupun sarat mengandung...hehehe

lydia said...

Alhamdulillah mely...
Tapi shape paha dah tak ada..
ehehehe..abesla JEans2 sume...
mudah-mudahkan dapat breastfeed baby sepenuhnya.. Amiinnn...!