Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Resipi Ayam Madu Berkilat || Bila anakku lambat bercakap

Baru-baru ni, kite tengah mentelaah isu kanak-kanak yang lambat bercakap. Umur Adam sekarang dah pun 2 tahun 7 bulan. Kalau ikut tahun, die dah pon umur 3 tahun unofficially. Adam ni memang rajin bercakap. Tapi in his own language la. Sedikit sebanyak ade risau sikit sebab bahasa die kite tak faham sangat. Tapi Instinct kite rase, Adam ni normal. It is just a matter of time actually. And kite kat rumah ni sebenarnya bertutur dalam 2 bahasa. Bahasa rojaklah kekdahnya. Herm... Takut gak kalo Adam ni tak fasih bertutur di sebabkan ibu die cakap bahasa rojak. Iskk.. 

So far, sekarang ni die rajin cakap " Oh, No! " 
Kalau nak makan , " Bu, akan... "
Kalau nak susu , " Bu, susu ar...Susu...ar..." . Kalau ibu die tak layan, " Bu, susu ar..pisss (Please)".
Kalau tab die dah habis bateri , " Bu, cas la "
Kalau Adik die panjat tangga, " Bu, Adik @#$%$ (bahasa die)"
Kalau balik dari bertandang rumah orang , " Babai..see u real soon (Tiru ayat Mickey Mouse Club House)"

So... ape agaknya nak buat lagi ekh untuk anak fasih bercakap?

Selalu berbual dengan die time mandikan,pakaikan pampers,tidukan die, Nyanyi sama-sama kalau tengok Barney and Friends. 

Huhuhu..Risau nih...

Paling tak best, bila orang dok compare anak orang lain pandai bercakap berbanding anak kite. Kite bukannya rasa jeles. Tak! Tidak sama sekali. Tapi rasa tak best bile tak tahu nak jawab ape. Jawapan yang kite selalu bagi  , sama ada senyum atau ,"Tak pela.. asalkan dia sihat dan penuh kasih sayang..huhu"

Boleh gitu? Dah tu.. Kite pun tak tau nak jawab ape..huhuhu.. Sebab muka dorang nampak risau as if kite tak risau anak kite tak pandai bercakap.

Menurut Judith Hudson, Deveopmental psycologist, 

Although it's not typical, your 2-year-old's situation is not necessarily cause for great concern, either. Some more cautious and reserved 2-year-olds tend to wait until they understand a great deal of what they hear before they actually speak. Look for these signs of language readiness:
 *Does your child point to objects? Pointing to a toy he wants or to a picture in a book is closely related to the beginning of actual speech.

* Does he seem to understand what you say? Does he react when you call his name when you're out of sight? The ability to understand language precedes the ability to talk. If your child seems to comprehend a great deal of what others are saying, he's well on his way to talking.

* Does your child use gestures and facial expressions to communicate? Many kids communicate what they need nonverbally, and in fact most 2-year-olds develop a host of nonverbal signals.

* Does your child grunt? Research shows that the little grunts 2-year-olds make while pointing to pictures or playing with their toys are actually a kind of commentary. Children who aren't yet talking and don't grunt are more likely to later be diagnosed with a language delay.

If your child isn't showing these signs of readiness, you may want to make an appointment for a speech and hearing screening. Talk with his pediatrician, and, if he's in preschool, with his teacher. His preschool may refer you to an early speech and language intervention program (usually coordinated through the county or public school system) that will provide a free speech and language screening. Or his doctor can refer you to a private speech-language pathologist for an evaluation. In general, the earlier a language delay is detected, the easier it is to treat. Many language problems can be treated effectively during the preschool years so that your child will have no long-term deficits.

sumber : Babycenter.com

Menu untuk hari ini : Nasi Ayam Ape yang Ade Dalam peti Ais je

Resipi Ayam Goreng Madu Berkilat 
Bahan-bahan yang perlu di sediakan :
1. Ayam yang sudah siap di rebus dalam sup ayam
2. Kicap manis
3. Sos Ikan
4. Sos tiram
5. Madu

Cara perapan : 
Ayam yang dah di rebus, toskan.
Gaul dengan kesemua Sos ( Tiram+ikan+kicap manis) + Madu.
Perap selama sejam.

Goreng : 
Goreng dengan api kuat. Mase goreng tu, golek-golekkan ayam sebab takut melekat kat kuali. Lagipun, dah rebus dalam sup ayam kan.


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