Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hari wanita Sedunia

........Still not sleepy due to nescafe tarik intake!
this is my first time drink nescafe since i know that i'm pregnant.
Sekarang ni baru je merebahkan diri atas tilam.yes. baru jer.
Baru lepas settlekan dapur and all sorting things around hall and kitchen.
Dinner lewat hari ni. 11pm.
Kebetulan ayahanda tercinta datang.
Lagilah berbunga-bunga hati riang.hehe.
So, ditambah pula dengan nescafe tarik.
Memang sedap. ehehe.. masuk bakul angkat sendiri.
Sambil menonton History Channel kat Astro pasal Tsunami.
It reminds me that my life is not so bad compared to Tsunami's survivor. mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia.
At least i still have people that i love very much .
Syukur tuhan masih panjangkan umur.
masih menganugerahkan 5 pancaindera untuk merasai nikmat dunia.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.
As my mum always said.
This is not the end of the world.
I got morale support both from my parents.
At first i'm afraid to tell them that i'm jobless.
But it will be better to tell them. And luckily they gave me a lot of morale support.
Betapa bertuahnya rasa .....
Dapat sokongan moral dari parents...
Oh ya..
Since 8th March is Women's Day.
kite nak mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI WANITA SEDUNIA!
HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY to all womens!
PEople may say womens are complicated.
i agree women are complicated.
Because women are born to be multitasking human!

giving birth..earn house chores..taking care of babies.......breast feed...etc..
Its not easy to do multitasking job.
But many womens did!
Especially pada yang berkerjaya + anak ramai + takde orang gaji + balik rumah masak + jaga anak + entertain suami... Wow!
Kite memang respek sape yang berjaya buat macam tu sepanjang hidup dia...
You are superwoman!


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