Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quotes for today

Quotes from ppl around me for today:

1. Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain (Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi)

"From this quotes, actually ada rasa sikit rasa down. Erm.. yerla, since became jobless.. Rasa macam tak boleh nak bagi manfaat kat orang lain. Or is it because of the 'over' sensitive pregnant mode? I dunno. But, positively and logically.. i think we sometimes dunno that we give hope and happiness to other people without we noticing it! Benda ni kita takkan sedar. Trust me. For example, we bring happiness and sustanance to our parents since we were in our mother's womb! "

2. God give each person dif way of life to go through. It depend on us how to overcome the obstacle.

"It's true. definitely. God will not give us all package in one shot! As far as i can see, wealth + healthy doesnt consistence in human life. Mesti ada salah satu yang kurang. Tuhan takkan bagi semua seimbang. Contohnya,
Kekayaan+kebahagiaan+Kesihatan memang takkan lengkap dalam hidup manusia. mungkin ada salah satu yang kurang. Sebab itu nabi menyeru supaya kita hidup bersederhana. kan? Each person ada jalan cerita sendiri. Yes , we can create our own script of life. But not all on the rite track all the time. Some people said, Life is like a juggling ball. We have to keep on juggling the ball consistently. Not to let it fall and stop juggling. So, obviously to maintain the speed of the juggling ball is not easy as we have not to let the ball fall. sometimes the juggling is slow and sometimes it can be as faster as light."

Have a Nice Day!


Dr Singa said...

hellooooooooooo Mak Buyung!!!!!!

jangan lupa minum susu tau!!

lydia said...

baik dokter! hehehe...
sedang berusaha minum susu ..