Monday, April 26, 2010

Tourette Syndrom

Happy Monday everybody!! and to my deary husband too =)
ehehe.....Monday mood is juz like Friday Mood(tune kijer lari). But dats ok for me. Its not a big deal. Hidup mesti diteruskan.

Tapi yang aku nak cerita kat sini,kalau kat opis...kalo aku tengah buat kijer & tibe2 ader orang nyanyi...MESTI & Compulsory aku akan imitate & nyanyi jer lagu yg orang tu nyanyi sampai la abis waktu kijer!! hehehe...

Tibe2 teringat ader satu movie yang aku penah tengok..cerita FRONT OF THE CLASS.Movie tu menceritakan pasal seorang Cikgu yang menghidapi tourette syndromme sejak kecik ...His unwavering determination and fiercely positive attitude conquered the difficulties he faced in school, in college, and while job hunting. He never stopped striving, and after twenty-four interviews, he landed his dream job: teaching grade school and nurturing all of his students as a positive, encouraging role model. huhuhu.. FYI, Tourete syndromme ni ,yg aku tau, ...ader behaviour yg tak boleh berenti bercakap...mcm melatah pon ader gak.. kirenyer, mcm melatah yg tak berenti2 la...tapi kalo explaination dalam bahasa melayu...cenggitu la kot yg aku reti explain..anybody else can explain?? Tapi, kalo explaination dalam english & yg aku gugel tadi, adalah seperti di bawah:

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by tics -- involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way. Diagnostic criteria include:
* Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present at some time, although not necessarily simultaneously;
* The occurrence of tics many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day or intermittently throughout the span of more than one year;
* Periodic changes in the number, frequency, type and location of the tics, and in the waxing and waning of their severity. Symptoms can sometimes disappear for weeks or months at a time;
* Onset before the age of 18.

P/S: Kalo korang terrer bahasa jawa,cuber translate ayat nih
--> Dikandani,ngandani wong.
budak yg pakai baju pink kat bawah ni a.k.a my partner memang terrer bahasa jawa!! Wes!!

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