Thursday, October 21, 2010

After 8 Months so far

This week should be the buziest week ever.

Since LEW trip is just around the corner and

BBQ at Fraser hill is heading the next week.

However, we try our best to manage our time wisely

Doing the house chores,

maintain our 10,000 steps per day campaign &

cooking for dinner after that , Pheww…

I hope , we can maintain our lifestyle like these forever ;-p

I HOPE ! or maybe boleh tambah lagi agenda lain!

Such as, playing badminton/tennis twice a week.

Just imagine, lepas balik kerja,

Let say, heading home dari office pukul 5.30pm,

Then you rush and speed ‘politely’ to stadium (untuk jogging),

Then pas maghrib still rush balik rumah, sebab nak masak untuk dinner,

It takes ,roughly 2 hours. And roughly ate dinner around 8.00-8.30pm.

So, from 8.30 ,roughly kami ada masa dalam 3 or 4 hours to spent our time wisely.

Within that time we watch TV while our lappy stay in front of us.

Sometimes, curi-curi masa juga basuh baju & sidai baju .

Betapa lah masa itu emas!

Tapi itu semua aktiviti weekdays only.

Weekend, lain pula ceritanya.

As usual,

Kalau tak ada family matters atau kenduri kahwin,

Then we will proceed with our mountaineering activities.

Roughly twice a month.

And sometimes it can be straight every weekend for outdoor activities!

Eventhough, mountaineering is our top ten passion, but sometimes it can be tiring too ;-p

Beside mountaineering, we also enjoy and Looooooooooveee photography and home décor . It fascinates us a lot while browsing IKEA’s mags. Kadang-kadang rasa nak nak beli itu ,nak beli ini…but it end up stressing ourself sebab budget bukannya ada. Same goes to Photography. Nampak gambar cantik-cantik dalam blog, especially bila bukak National Geographic photos. Adoyaiiiii (bak kata Nabil Raja Lawak), boleh pengsan tengok gambar cantik-cantik nih. Macam time tu jugak nak beli camera DSLR and Lense ! Guess what, benda yang paling kite rasa berbunga-bunga , bila Si Dia ajak kite “ Jom kite jadik National Geographic photographer Jom! Every month kita hantar gambar cantik-cantik. Kita jadik member.” OMG! That’s my big dream EVER! (walaupun tau benda tu mustahil). But at least, we shared the same passion and interest ,its more than enough ;-)

Betul lah kata orang-orang tua / orang dulu-dulu kata , “Kalau suami isteri ni muka seiras, boros”

At first, I just don’t believe it . But, obviously after 8 months of our marriage, its true indeed! Takut tau…. Nak-nak bila terbaca blog member yang dorang mention ‘budget’ emergency is important. Walaupun kami ada medical benefit kat tempat kerja, but in term of kes-kes emergency yang lain, mana lah tau kan???

Ya Allah, cepat lah dapat kerja yang stabil +_+ Amiiiin.

After all, I still pray that god give me clue on what field I should focus on to.

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