Sunday, November 21, 2010

Never Give up.

Never listen to what other people 'talk' about you,
Never care on what people may think you are wrong but instead you are in progress in doing it in your way,
Last but not least, never let them lost respect on you,
Cause you make your own path & Let Allah decide the rest of it.

hard luck?
Albert Einstein
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

hard luck?

Sabda Rasulullah sa.w;

إن من أشد الناس بلاء الأنبياء

Maksudnya; Sesungguhnya manusia yang paling berat menerima ujian ialah para Nabi.

Daripada ayat dan hadis di atas, dapat difahami hakikat kehidupan dunia ini adalah sebagai ujian, ia bertujuan untuk menilai diri seseorang samada baik atau sebaliknya.

Grab from this site. Just want to share with bloggers out there.

Never ever,ever,ever,ever,ever,ever Give up!

job hunting
*Job Hunting

* Moist and milky

Apple donut
*My Apple of the eye

Just now,
i discovered something about my Snowball.
3 days onward
Suka sangat duduk dalam plastik!

sunset @ sg chua
Silhouette #1

3 days onward
Silhouette #2

sunset @ sg chua
i Love sunset.

With Love,


Afrezal Karim said...

Lydia.. smart laa gambar pakai camera apa ni... cun.. tenang jer tengok.

Apa pun all da best.. semoga senantiasa dipermudahkan dalam segala urusan

lydia said...

ehehehe...kami guna 2.
Yg gambar makan donut tu, guna Compact camera Sony TX5,
Yang dekat area balcony and career fair tu pakai Sony Nex-3. ;-)
Time kasih ekh bro...alhamdulillah, semalam dapat 3 interview..tapi, tak tau la rezki macam mana nanti...Mudah-mudahan.