Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tips : bath & litter

Here are 2 tips from me on how i manage my cat.

After being bathed.
**My tips to give your cat a bath. Put both your cat's front leg onto the higher place from ground (as for me, i put her front leg at the bucket or toilet bowl).In my experience, he/she will be more comfort with that position and less struggling.

warmer sit
She seek for a warmer place...

after shower
i'm Hot too ;-p

time to sleepShe sleep with us.

She enjoy sleeping on the comforter and loves being pampered.

kembung kicap
Our dinner for yesterday. A bit oily but still my other half tambah 2x =p.

She loves to play around.

**I bought her 2 litter box . My tips of choosing litter box , choose the deeper box so that while your cat doing his/her "bussiness", the sand will less come out. Its easy for you to clean up and your place is more hygiene. The reason why i pick 2 instead of 1 is for her comfort. Cats too are hygiene of herself. Too many dunk in her litter box at one time will make her less-comfortable and not healthy as well.

*Alhamdulillah, she love being with us. After all, praise to Allah for giving this precious creature to cheer our life

Good luck!
Have a nice weekend y'all.

1 comment:

Madam Amie said...

wahhh lyd sangat2 bersabar dgn itu kutin.. kalau kita kan.. habis la kutin tuh kita kutil2 cubit2..sbb geram sgt!!! grrrrrrrr