Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tipikal atau.......?

Mr.A : Eh, Lyd. Kenapa hang beli paper The Star? Nak cari kerja ekh...
Kiter : Haah. sambil improve english aku. ehehehe.

Mr.A : Ko ni,belajar sampai U, buat ape nak belajar english lagi?
Kiter : ....Just smile and chuckle...
Mr.B : Ko dulu U mane sampai kena belajar english balik? (sambil ketawa kecil)

Kiter : UPM. (Lalu mencapai beg untuk beransur pulang..)

Mr.B : Eh? dah nak balik?

Kiter : Haah. (sambil senyum)

Mr.B : Ok, see u tomorrow! (bercakap dengan nada perlahan which is kiter tak berapa dengar)

Kiter : Hah? Aper?

Mr.B : See you tomorrow! (dengan nada tegas)

Kiter : Owh`~ hehehe..sori, tak dengar... =p

Mr.B : Tak dengar ker, atau tak paham bahasa inggeris? (sambil mengangkat kening lalu ketawa kecil). Kata nak belajar bahasa inggeris. Takkan ayat sesimple tu pun tak tahu?

Kiter : What? Tak paham lah ape yg ko cuba nak sampaikan. (Lalu terus pulang ,sambil kening berkerut. Pelik, kenapa Mr.B cakap macam tu)

Are they a typical malay or what?
Or am i think differently as you out there?

Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you — the ones you have in your heart!

Always think of the power words have because everything you hear and read will affect your actions!



And above all:

Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams!

Always think:

God and I can do this!

**i got this quotes somewhere while blog walking here.


Aidah said...

ala tu sajer nak nganjing lah tu... konon2 dia sorang jer fasih english sebab orang tak berapa nak fasih sangat.. nak tunjuk hebat lah tu... abaikan jer orang camtuh lyd, takkan 'berkudis' pon apa yang dia cakap tu pada kita.. jenis perasaan terror lah tu... hahhahaha.. =)

lydia said...

hehehe..memula agak bengkak jugak hati. tapi pikir2 balik, ala... budak2 laki yg tak nak kalah kalau nak bercakap, memang macam tuh...hehehe

Madam Amie said...

what a typical malay "boboy".. mengong~~