Friday, December 10, 2010


Morning everyone. Hope all of you had a good day as today is the last working day this weekend. I am having nausea & bad headache right now since yesterday. And too bad the headache continously until at night. As long as my eyes open, the headache keep on kicking me. This morning the headache and nausea are getting worse. I've lost my appetite but i hardly push myself to eat as breakfast is very important for me and the baby's growth. I just ate 2 slices of french toast which is cut into 2 , 2 samosa and milo. I can't stand of the smell from chinese food cooking as my neighbor is chinese which is purely from China. I believe most of pregnant women having bad nausea in 1 trimester.


Madam Amie said...

sabar ye... :) milo tuh x loya ke kalau minum?

lydia said...

milo ais..ehehe..kalau milo panas kompem tak minum.. mak mertua bg tips.. makan biskut tawar..ehehe..balik ni nak cuba la.. nasi2 tak jalan la...

Madam Amie said...

betul2... nasi memang x jalan... mcm kita hari tuh..lama gak x makan nasi sgt... makan je muntah makan je muntah.. makan nasi time x muntah waktu sahur je... fuhhh...

lydia said...

hehehe..sekarang ni selera makan buah2 jer... huhuh...

Apizolla said...

buah suda beli.. ada dalam esbok... ehheheh

Lyana Mansor said...

cube makan bubur nasi ke...makan ngan bilis masak asam..

lydia said...

mely, ikan bilis masak asam tu macam mane ek? goreng dulu ker ikan bilisnya? macam masak singgang ekh?