Saturday, December 4, 2010

No Window shopping

So far, i'm not too craving for food. The thing is, my mouth keep watering but i couldn't find any food that can stop watering mouth & nausea.R

*This is not exactly i wanted but its ok rather eat nothing. Just now, i nearly ate at Sushi king in Mid Valley, but luckily the waitress there told me that eel grill set contains a few percentage of alcohol.

Mushroom + chicken broth
Chicken+mushroom broth.
Chef : Rina Markonah

Fried MAggi
Fried maggi.
Chef : Rina Markonah

iranian Little Girl
*I saw this little girl enjoying her candy so much. She didn't notice i'm taking her picture until her daddy asked her to turn around and make some cute mimic. So, there she is. A cute Little Iranian Girl with her pink candy.
Goodbye from Daddy's Girl
Cute is it?

* Even though Christmas is end of December, most of the mall had done creative and huge decoration for this celebration. In fact,at Singapore, They had prepare for the celebration by decorating some places and malls 2 months before .

Mid Valley stall
*Since i am positively pregnant, i may say window shopping is not my top activities list during my pregnancy period. I can easily fainted as i have low blood pressure a few years ago. I found that i can't be in the crowded of people like in malls or Up-town /Down-Town. So, still, being in jungle or at home is the calmest thing ever for me (^__^).

*Guess what? We have new guest and we called her by simple name, Comot. Seems like our house is like a motel for cats, perhaps? I saw her nearby the elevator in our apartment and apparently she tailing us home. But we didn't intend to keep it for a long time. Since cat food is out of stock.


ChubbyMe said...

tahniah kak,....baru baca akak dah pregnant,..take care,....congratz~ >_<

Madam Amie said...

:) baru week 6 kan.. tunggu la week 9 dan ke atas.. lagi haru.. mcm kita hari tuh mmg x kuar g mana2 pun... mulut pahitt...tekak x sedap dsb...

lydia said...

mashitah : terima kasih =)
Amlya : sekarang ni kan, rasa mual sikit2 jer ngan pening2. tapi bab makan nih, selalu konpius nak makan ape utk ilangkan kecur air liur nih,...haih...

Madam Amie said...

uik...kecur air liuq tuh mcm mana ? sedap nak makan ke apa? hehehhe konpius kejap.. tapi cuba elak makan berminyak... sebab boleh mual2..