Friday, November 26, 2010

Demotivated For a while

2002-Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia............ It is for A Level examination in Malaysia we called it.

I was not a smart nor brilliant students in my school years ago. But i love mathematics a lot! Even though i always got C or D in add math during in my from 4-5 at school ( A Level ), but Alhamdulillah, suprisingly its not C , D nor E for SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia).And the most suprising is i got B for my Principal Account subject where i always got D or even an E for every test. As i remember, a month before the final A-Level examination, i've done a lot of exercise from a few of Account exercise book. And as far as i know, i didn't understand at all in this subject but just memorize it here and there, debit and credit ,and etc. Honestly, i always wondering , how my friends understand so easily only one time lesson in class and attend home tuition for hard core subject. Why i can't just understand for just 1 time lesson in class? i do exercise too (tapi selalu selak jawapan kat belakang sebab bila tanya kawan,dorang pun tak reti nak explain for me to understand). So, i just ended study alone and consult for hardcore question with my subject teacher. But what do you expect a teacher's free time for you? They woudln't observed you for straight 2/3 hours in front of you while doing your study and can ask for solution on hardcore question straight forward.

I didn't get any special tuition nor home tuition during in my secondary school especially during SPM examination which i weak on almost science subject. But just study with roommates and classmate. I wonder, am i able to get straight A's if i get special home tuition for my SPM exam? But i wonder too, how some students which came far from town and advance facilities (home tuition,private tuition) manage to get straight A's without attending any special tuition or just attend school tuition (dulu-dulu orang panggil tuisyen kampung). Or, is tuition institution or home tuition is for not-brilliant student like me? Hurmmm..

What ever it is, what pass is pass lah kan? Its not worth it to look back from the previous lack. What more important is to look forward what you want to achieve in 20 years later from now. And most important,is to set your target first where and what you want to be because, without target, it difficult to focus on what we want to achieve.

As i had told in my previous entry, i wanted to pursue my career in Veterinary, but my parents wanted me to pursue my carrer in other science course but not in veterinary instead. As their thought that in Veterinary job market in Malaysia is not wide as in US or UK. So,here i am, in Industrial Chemistry graduated from UPM. And, the sad part is i'm still waiting for an answer for job application and email on from lecturer that i wanted to further my study. My other half and BFF always and always told me, be patient. God knows what is best for you. Waiting is painful, ain't it? huhuhuhu... Dear, dont get mad ok? =p
God, help me.

Spot Me! :

Form 3
*When i was in form 2. circle of friends. We are pretty close at that time.
From left : Fara ( now a math lecturer in Uni Pahang),Sumaiyah ( now a doctor in HSI in JB)
Behind : Qi Hua ( Now an engineer graduated from New Zealand)

Johor Matriculation College
*During in Johor Matriculation College
From left : Wa ( optimistry in Government sector),Wani (Dentist in JB), Me and Hye (Radiologist)

Form 4 Akas, Sultan Ibrahim Girl School
*Form 4 in SIGS. 7/10 is now already had their Master and quarter of them is graduated from

Standard 2, 1993
*Standard 2 in. I lost contact with 98% of them.

I Know it sounds pathetic and childish a bit but sometimes i couldn't help my self comparing my career with my old friends. (-__-).
Nonetheless, i feel gratitude for what i have and i try to love my life now. I try to make my life more merrier and cheerful every single day.
And second gratitude to Allah for lending me someone's ear to hear my problems and demotivated conversation.
Thank you peers~
You are my private counseller and best friend at one time.
Thank you again to both of you!!!



Madam Amie said...

Lyd.. be patient.. as ur frenz said.. GOD know why and what is the best for u... cheerful okie... don't be too much demotivated.. insya allah ur wish will be yours one day soon...aminn..

lydia said...

thanks Amlya..
tibe2 pulak aritu rase down.but now ok (^___^).
I Inspired how determined you are to achieve your goal! thanks! Kite akan take 1 step at a time.