Monday, December 20, 2010

Pear Shape?

What shape are you??
Body type: Wide bottom, hips or legs

I just wanna share my way to flattered my pear shape . Teeheheee.. See picture below and some explanation that i saw on internet just now.


The best pants for you:
Slightly flared or wide-leg pants (in dark colors) are most flattering since they create a long line from hip to toe. A snug fit around the butt and thighs is crucial, and the fabric should skim over these areas and flow away from the body at the hips. If you find a pair that fits properly everywhere but at the waist, have them taken in by a tailor. Handing over a few extra dollars is a small price to pay for a custom fit.

*As for me, i preferred low-cut jeans. Why? because is looks just nice and neat on your body. Too Baggy jeans is messy for pear shape.

*See, ada nampak shape sikit kan? better than tak ada. You also can try to put on khakis pants (choose dark colour) that have slightly flared on the lower part of your leg. looks slimmer.

How to Dress?
1.As for me, i preferred to choose long sleeves shirts instead of 3 quarter shirts so that you won't look compressed or shorter. Pilihlah baju yang labuh ke punggung so that we can cover the arse part.

* There is also other factors that you should consider for clothing.

2. Look for fabrics that drape softly over your curves without clinging. Fabrics that stand out from your body will make it look bigger. Picture above i am wearing long bottom shirt that covered your arse from Dorothy Perkins. RM35 (bought only after sales 50%. Hehehe. I am a person who are looking for cheap clothes but acceptance for outdoor equipments =p )

3. Look for fabrics that are not shiny (over your bottom half), so satin is not great for you, and sequins should definitely be avoided on your bottom half. No kilat-kilat ok?

Oklah. That's all for now. Any tips on pear shape clothing, i just update through this entry.
Good Luck !


Oh, there is another tips from the bottom of my heart for pear shape out there. Try to work out your abs ok? 20 times after wake up in the morning, 20 times after Zohor Prayers & 20 times before go to sleep. OK? Kite dah tak boleh dah.. penyek budak kecik ni kang.. =p


Lyana Mansor said...

hhehehhe...same....pear shape....

kite pun suke baju dorothy perkins tu..selesa...

adoiyai..sgt tak rajin wat workout..hahahhahaha

lydia said...

ehehehe... dulu rajin buat, and hasilnya sangat awesome and automatickly montot ader kecik sikit...ehehehe..pastuh, nak2 pas raya tahun ni, da kureng...hehehehe..kena ada supporter utk buat semua ni jugak selain semangat dalam diri sendiri =). mely boleh!!